Sunday, March 26, 2017

Currently Watching #2

Even though I haven't had much time to sit and watch shows, there is no way in hell I won't find 45mins or so a week to get an episode in.
So today, since I haven't done one of these in a while, I thought I'd share with you what I have been watching lately!


By far my biggest obsession at the moment! I binge watched the first 7 episodes in two days and lost a good few hours of sleep because of it, but I couldn't care less.
I find the show super fun and refreshing, kind of like a breath of fresh air. It's extremely entertaining, yet messages like girl empowerment and such are deeply routed in the script, making it a great experience over all.
And let me just tell you, Veronica is freaking AWESOME!

The Magicians

Okay so actually, I am just about to start season two. As in, that is what I will do right after I finish this post.
I fell in complete love with the first season of this series, it just has such a great concept to it! I love the characters and OMG am I exited to know what the heck happens now because that season finale was mental!!!

Love Rain

I started watching this kdrama a while back and had to let it go after the first 3 or 4 episodes because I just had no time for 1 hour long episodes. But I have recently picked it back up and am I glad!
I'm currently about to start episode 9 and oh the feels... it's such a cute, sweet, funny and just all around lovely story.


It was completely random why I started watching this, I was just bored and going trough MyAnimeList and saw this anime that was still airing and that seemed to have a good plot and I just gave it a try!
Kind of like Love Rain, I stopped watching for a bit (this time I just forgot about it really) and I've recently picked it back up. The story hasn't developed immensely yet (I'm only on episode 6) but it's really fun to watch. And I have a feeling it will get better...

Well guys that was it for today, hope you had fun reading this post!
Question: what are YOU currently watching??
Let me know in the comments!

My Links:

YouTube Channel: EllaLovesMACandMusic
Instagram: @Ella99997
Twitter: @Ella9999

Hearts Hugs and Kisses


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