Monday, July 18, 2016

Current Reads #2

I'm reading new books so it's time for another Current Reads post.
I've made myself stop the insane "reading 100 books at the same time" thing which I've been guilty of since life 6th grade! It usually worked fine, but I have been in a reading slump for a while now and this practise wasn't helping!

So here are the 3 (yap, 3!!) books I'm reading atm!

Septimus Heap, Book One: Magyk

I'm barely starting this book so I honestly don't have too much to say about it just yet!
But the plot seems like something very much for my taste and the writing style is simple and light so I'm expecting good things!!

The Happiness Project

I'm on the 3rd chapter of this book, so March (because the author's Happiness Project lasts one year and the book is about the changes she applied every month) and I'm really loving this book!
It's inspirational and down to earth, funny and serious in the right measures. The way the author describes her journey is very real and she makes it seem like it's something everyone can do, not something insane and unattainable.
Nobody is perfect (Hannah Montana anyone?) and so, not everything goes amazingly well with in this book, and that's exactly why I love it so much. That's real life! Things go wrong sometimes and you can't get everything you want when you want. But you can take a stand and decide to be as in charge of you happiness as you can. That's what she did, and that is what is so inspiring to me.


I'm half way trough this book and I'm really enjoying it!!
I have been a nerd for vampire, ghost and werewolf books for a loooong time now, since I first read (and watched, ofc!) Buffy The Vampire Slayer!
It's been a while since I picked up a book of the sort, and I'm so glad I found the whole trilogy for just 3£ at a random book store!! I know, crazy right??

What book/s are you reading right now??
Let me know in the comments!!

My Links:

YouTube Channel: EllaLovesMACandMusic
Instagram: @Ella99997
Twitter: @Ella9999

Hearts Hugs and Kisses,


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